I borrowed a travel Bible from my mom. I'd given mine away and was in need of a small one for my trip to Uganda. She gave me this tiny one which is smaller than a deck of cards.
It was one of several small Bibles she offered up and I picked it from the stack because it would easily slip into my pocket. I added it to my pile of things to pack and yesterday before I slipped it into my carry on, I opened the cover and saw an inscription.
The Bible originally belonged to my Great Uncle, Courtland William Lieberg, Bill for short. He was probably seven or eight when he received this Bible in September of 1928.
I feel like I'm carrying my family with me as I travel to Uganda. I've got photos of The Hubs. Tucked away in my bags are special letters and gifts from my mother and sister to the kids they sponsor at the school. My mom even wrote a letter to one of my Ugandan sons. Best of all I'm carrying a Bible with pages fingerprinted by generations of my family.
I smile each time I add another item to my backpack and the Bible peeks out at me from its assigned pocket. I just love that this tiny Bible came through all that space and time to travel with me to Uganda.
What a treasure to take with you. <3