This week I'm thankful for...
- days when I'm organized enough to leave school shortly after my students
- when the mailbox has something good in it like a magazine or a package
- the Northern California Writing Project and the opportunities they give me to learn and collaborate with my colleagues
- nights when I don't dream about school and the well-rested mornings that follow
- Q Tips. I don't care that they're not intended for my ears or that in putting them in my ears I may somehow puncture my brain. I love the feeling of cleaning out my ears.
- getting all four of the hotel pillows to myself
- television finales and the return of summer shows
- my husband, who attended our class musical dress rehearsal and said lovely things about my children
- the looks on the faces of my little ones as they performed our class musical for their loved ones
- teachers being moved to first grade this year who are comfortable enough in their own skin to ask for help
- the opportunity to share what I love with other teachers
- wearing my flannel pajamas, slippers and winter robe in May
I'm thankful for your weekly lists Alicia! :)