1. Write down everything I put in my pie hole. This was a resolution for 2010 and I'd say that I kept a food diary about 300/365 days in 2010, which is far better than I've done in years past. The trick with this one was that I didn't have to stop eating anything, I just had to write it down. I lost over 30 pounds this year and I'm pretty sure writing it down had a lot to do with it. I also kept a money jar. I put $5 per pound in the jar and also took money out of the jar when I gained. Taking money out of the jar totally stinks.
2. Ride my bike or spin at least 1 x week. I think I met this goal all but about 4 weeks of 2010. Again, this might have something to do with why I lost weight. There just might be something to this eating well and exercising thing after all.
3. Maintain a healthy BMI. I am really good at losing weight, even better at gaining it back. What I'm not so good at is maintaining a healthy weight once I get there. So this year my goal is to stay within a healthy weight range. For every week that I stay at my goal weight, I'll drop $5 in the money jar.
4. Read a Book a Month: This probably sounds like a wimpy goal since many of you read a new book every week or even a book every day. I read every day; magazines, blogs, articles, but I didn't read as many books as I would have liked to last year. There are so many good books waiting to be read and I'm determined to read at least 12 of them this year, so leave me some suggestions in the comments section, please.
Five seems like a good round number. What are your goals for 2011?
Wow, you are on top of your goals early. I'm still circling the wagons...so many possibilities. Stay posted, they're coming!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading them, Lynn. Post a link when you've got them, please.
ReplyDeleteI love all of your new mini resolutions. I like the idea of setting small goals, because at times they are more achievable and easier for us to stick to! I love the idea of submitting writing once a month. I need to do that same thing, only I am trying to write a book! (eek!)
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by my blog. I am glad that you like the header with the tandem bike! It is actually a little bike I have in the dining room and I just jazzed it up :)
By the way - is there a way for me to follow your blog so I can see it in my blog roll?
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through the Pioneer Woman. I love your mini-resolutions and wish you all the best in making things happen. I'm curious, is paying yourself for reaching goals a lucrative venture? I'm considering trying it out...
Hi, Tracy, thanks for popping over to my blog. So glad you want to keep following. If you scroll down on the right hand side of my blog, you'll see a link to subscribe. If you decide to post your own resolutions be sure to leave a link in the comments so we call all pop over to your blog and take a peek at what you're planning for 2011. Happy new year!
ReplyDeleteHi, Marsha,
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. I used to be a member of Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers works for me, but I got tired of paying the monthly fees. I started paying myself per pound about a year ago and it has proven to be quite successful. I also remove money from the jar when I gain and let me tell you, taking money out of the jar is painful! I pay myself less than the fees I would be paying otherwise and I use the money on special things I wouldn't normally buy myself. For example, I used some of my jar money to buy a great leather skirt once I was down to the size I plan to stay at. I'm curious, what kind of goal do you have in mind?
Brilliant plan! I love it. I was thinking of setting some exercise goals. I love being in shape, I HATE getting there. For the last year, hubby and I have been remodeling and it's been convenient not to run or lift so now that I'm totally out of shape, I'm not at all inclined to go back. Alas, I get winded walking up stairs. Money may be the key to motivating myself. I'll let you know how it goes.
ReplyDeleteMarsha, oh, I've been there! The other thing that helped me is I have a group of friends (Hey, girls!) that I report my losses/gains to each week. They report back and we cheer each other on or motivate when needed. Do keep me posted as to how it works for you. Pretty soon you'll be running up those stairs! Now the question is, what will you do with your jar of cash?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to do a lot of running because I want new flooring for the house!
ReplyDeleteOoh, Marsha, that is a great thing to spend your jar of money on. And, yes, that's going to be a lot of running! Good for you.