xmlns:og>='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Pedals & Pencils: Thankful Thursday #68

April 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday #68

image courtesy of searchforthesolution.com
This week I'm thankful for...
  • when my hubby says those magical words, "Want half of my candy?" Swoon.
  • riding my bike in shorts and short sleeves
  • my spin instructor who revived the Heavy Metal Monday playlist just for me
  • golden California poppies in bloom
  • going to the movies on a school night
  • the scent of storm just before it rolls in
  • hearing a Holocaust survivor speak on forgiveness and the importance of giving of oneself
  • the joy of watching one of my little ones lose her first tooth
  • picking places out in my copy of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die
  • brinner


  1. & I'm thankful for your list...nice

  2. Alright, this is the right spot. :D (I can do faces :O ) I have a fondness for heavy metal music and you alluded to a fondness for the genre yourself. So, I was wondering what bands you like or what you consider "Heavy Metal"?
    You have to be honest.....I'm a pastor ;)

  3. I really only like Metal on my bike or in spin, so I don't know if that makes me a true Metalhead. But there's nothing like some Metallica or Ozzy to get me stomping hard on my pedals. My spin instructor also has this German Metal that is pretty awesome. I can't think of the name right now, but I start fist pumping in spin when it comes on, much to the embarrassment of my hubby. :)


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