Painting by Omuny |
This week I'm thankful for...
- pink eye. No seriously, I'm thankful that I have it now in the summer when I don't have to write sub plans.
- dresses with leggings
- quiet time
- catching up with friends
- 75 weeks of gratitude. I can't believe this is my 75th Thankful Thursday. They've gone by quickly because I have so very much to be thankful for.
- my old friends who have mourned with me this week
- Enjoy magazine for featuring an article (p. 52-53) on the importance of authentic writing instruction and the work I do with the Northern California Writing Project. It's an important time to recognize the value of meaningful instruction. Thanks, Enjoy magazine and writer Claudia Mosby for taking a stand for education.
- my littlest brother who is building a school in Ecuador. I'm so proud of him.
- my friend, Emily, who leaves tomorrow to tend to orphans in Africa. My heart is with you, friend.
- The father who prays in Mark 9:24 "I believe. Help my unbelief!" Boy can I relate to him and, man, has that been the prayer of my heart lately.
- the painting at the top. I bought it in Uganda and it makes me think of a mother surrounded by her children. It hangs in my hallway just outside my bedroom and when I lie in bed I can see it. I miss my Ugandan kids terribly and this painting brings a little relief. Here's another up close shot of it. The lines and texture leave me stunned.
Painting by Omuny |
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