xmlns:og>='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Pedals & Pencils: I Learn A Lot From Your Post

December 16, 2009

I Learn A Lot From Your Post

So the other day I was procrastinating doing stuff like wrapping presents, folding laundry and writing sub plans.  I decided it was time to clean out the spam accumulating on this site.  Most of it was a smattering of random consonants with a fancy backslash thrown in here and there for good measure.  I was happily deleting those mysterious little messages when one caught my eye.
Great post.  I learn a lot from your post.

Uh, unknown user, you are so obviously spam or very, very new here.  Nobody learns a lot from one of my posts.  Nobody learns a little from one of my posts.  You are welcome to stay, but heed my warning.  Statistics show you may actually decrease in useful knowledge as it is replaced by a wealth of knowledge on such subjects as the miracle of candy and how to properly humiliate yourself.


  1. I would never attempt to directly contradict you, but if I may be so bold as to say, I learn from your posts. I learn from every single one a lesson about taking time to appreciate the small things in my life that make me smile. I learn more about you, a person that I have always and will always admire and strive to be more like (except for maybe the cooking thing, I'm pretty good and I'd like to stay that way). I learn more about how to be patient and kind and not take myself too seriously, and my favorite, I learn how much I love the internet because it lets me keep a little part of the people I miss with me.

    Also, today I was cleaning out my room and I found a little picture frame with "Alicia <3's Lillie Grace" written on it and I almost cried. Never stop writing and I will never stop reading it, because I will always need the reminder to be thankful that I've gotten to have such an amazing and wonderful person in my life.

  2. Hi, Lillie,
    Thanks for all of your kind words. I think we should turn missing each other into hanging out with each other over Christmas vacation. It's a high compliment that you'd want to be like me because you're an amazing person all on your own. Plus you're a way better cook than I am. Let's connect soon, Lillie Grace.
    Still loving you,


Talk to me.