xmlns:og>='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Pedals & Pencils: Haiku for You

February 25, 2011

Haiku for You

Today because it's Friday,

And because I've spent the last couple of days helping my little ones dip their toes in Haiku,

And because I love poets who don't always take life so seriously,

And because you deserve a little more poetry in your life,

And because I can't get enough of Poetry Everywhere,

Here's a little Haiku snack to nibble on:



  1. Haikus are one of my favorite kinds of poetry, sometimes when I get bored at work (fancy doggie boutique) I make up ones about puppies.

  2. Lillie,
    That doesn't surprise me at all! You should write them down. I happen to know kids love pet poetry. Maybe you've got a book of children's poetry somewhere in you.


Talk to me.