xmlns:og>='http://ogp.me/ns#'> Pedals & Pencils: 30 Days of Celebration: Day 2, Risky Business

June 7, 2011

30 Days of Celebration: Day 2, Risky Business

Today I'm celebrating taking a risk.  Not the bungee jumping, skydiving kind, but a risk nonetheless.  A few weeks ago, the director of NCWP asked if I would co-direct a week-long writing and technology institute for teachers.  After laughing my face off and reminding him that I'm completely impaired when it comes to all things technological, I realized that he was serious.  I took a deep breath and said yes.


Today I met with the other two co-directors, both total tech geniuses, by the way.  It's exciting and intimidating to be in the presence of people who see writing instruction and technology as a natural marriage.  In that wedding, I definitely sit on the side of writing instruction.  My hope is that by working with the other two co-directors, their tech savvy brains will somehow osmote onto mine before we lead the institute in a couple of weeks.  I'm skeptical, very skeptical.

And because it takes one to know one, here are some gems from the Technologically Impaired Duck:

And because you deserve a little more levity in your day, and not at all because I'm craving cookies.  Ahem.

Just one more.

Last one.  Promise.

Oh, Technologically Impaired Duck, you quack so good, you quack so true.

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