- falling back. An extra hour of sleep is just what I needed.
- Terry, who always sets all the clocks
- the wind that woke me with the sound of windchimes
- rainy days perfect for NaNoWriMo
- Communion
- the crock pot
But there's one bigger thing I'm most thankful for...
On day 6 my friend, Abby, wrote a beautiful post on cycles, both the kind with wheels and without. Specifically she posted about the beauty of green grass sprouting from underneath dead leaves. The part of her post that is resonating with me still is when she said that as people "We can let parts of ourselves shrink away to make room for improvements and fresh starts." As some things die away, we make room for new growth.
A thankful heart prepares the way for you, my God.
As I focus more on all that I have to be thankful for, parts of me, the ugly, bitter, judgmental parts are starting to fall away. In their place I'm starting to see tiny signs of new, green growth. Not that I'm a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but today I'm thankful for a God who is patiently revealing areas of myself that I need to let die in order to make room for the things He has for me.
I'm so glad you understand. I'm thankful for you.
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya, Breadgirl.